Psychotherapy at adults

Psicologia en El Prat de Llobregat
We treat depression, anxiety, stress, problems of personality and/or account.
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Depression and trastorns associated with the state of spirit:
Specialists at brief therapy:

Pathological sadness maintained (loss of initiative)
Cyclic alteration of the humour (euphoria and /or mania- sadness and/or depression)
Difficulties of loss (deceit, death)
Difficulties of separation

The Depression is at present one of the sicknesses more incapacitate us and one of the principal motifs of cause of fatality, so much of adolescents how of adults.

Anxiety and trastorns associated: (Muck brief therapy)

Anxiety generalised and attacks of anguish (taquicàrdia; thoracic tightness)
Tremor, crisis of panic
Insomnia and other problems of the dream.
Obsessions and compulsions (thoughts and/or repetitive acts)
Fears and Phobias (claustrophobia; agorafòbica, fear at rooms publics concorreguts; talk in public; animals, blood, etc)
Trastorns somatopsychic (cefalees; harm of back; vertigo,acúfens).

Problems of personality and/or account: (Muck brief therapy)

Low self-esteem
Low tolerance at the frustration
Trastorns of the Personality. (TLP)
Emotional instability
Lack of social abilities
Timidity and introversion.


The no pathological stress is an important part of the life of the persons,at low levels motivates and aid.
Tall bodies levels can bias at the person at having a deficient general health . The stressed stress can end producing somatopsychic difficulties and a pool of feelings of unrest and suffering.
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