Childish and juvenile psychotherapy

Psicologia en El Prat de Llobregat
The Psicoterapeuta childish is a professional specialised at the area of the infancy, very distinct at the of an adult.
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At truces of the dialogue, of the game and of projective technicians, the therapist realises the diagnostic of the suffering of the boy.
indispensable, as our criterion, have a point of view related with the unconscious and the learning. We realise  periodic interviews with the parents and the school. The boy /girl never is only and very often his symptomatology is the result of the wish of the parents and his difficulties as a couple.
The boys are very sensitive at any exchange rate, and tension at the family and at the parents's wish. ËS indispensable one listens distinct before commencing any type of treatment of the boy.


Aggressiveness and Negativisme
Problems of behaviours and trastorns behavioral:Aggressiveness/Mentires; Challenge (etc)
Trastorns of the state of spirit (childish depression-immoderate sadness)
Trastorns of anxiety (anxiety of separation; phobias, fears,etc)
Deficit of Attention and/or Hyperactivity (TDHA)
Trastorns of the Dream (Insomnia)
Trastorns of the supply.
Specific problems of the Adolescence.
Difficulties sobrevingudes for changes at the familiar situation (separations; families reconstituted, etc)TERAPIA OF PARELLA And/0 FAMILIARDificultats at the account
Difficulties at a son's conception /at
Afrontament of separations and/or divorces
Difficulties of account among the couple: Jealousy
Difficulties of account among parents/children; brothers
Advice at the new familiar situations become:
families reconstituted; families at process of adoption; loss of a spouse.


Trastorns of the sexual wish
Trastorns of the sexual excitation
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